Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Xmas break.............

We has a nice quiet Xmas this year ,It was so nice to be planned and organised .
We had my father turning up for the Xmas break Emily was looking forward to seeing her pop and showing off her beaches and Nelson Bay to him.............
Dad parking Van for holiday at our house..
Emily showing pop all her toy's
Emily ran around and was completely inseparable from pop for about 2 day's .They were joined at the hip. I'm sure he missed her as much as she missed him ,We took him to our favorite spot for some fishin and wouldn't you know it, no one but Emily caught anything ,The boy's were so annoyed with her it was funny ...
Why is it Emily is the only one ever to catch a fish                                                                                                               
To tired from fishing ........
Xmas dinner feast............
Dad spent most of his time up here with Emily, she was so demanding on him. I think when he left he couldn't get outer here fast enough!. I think she over whelmed him...
Our Xmas was rather nice.Emily slept in till about 9 am, it was all of us that had the early morn, waiting for her too wake ,what a strange kid she is,She loves her sleep......

More about Xmas later.......... gotta go start washing....


Daphadills said...

So glad you guys had a great Chrissy, certainly wasnt the same without you all here.
Love you all loads xxx

Sarah Lou said...

Love how em has her face full there~!!! Hey I wanna see photos of layouts chook - esp now you are super famous!!!!