Saturday, May 29, 2010


I know I promised to try to keep this up again ..But due to unforeseen events I've been otherwise occupied..
Around the 20th-21st My mother left us suddenly, It was a shock to the hole family not just myself but all of us..she was taken from us without any warning...So no chance for goodbyes..
We have all had the most trying of times..As we prepared for the funeral,I can honestly say my mother taught my sister's how to be the strongest people I've ever known..They would end up to be my rocks...I always said that I am the softest in the family, but how well did they work together to sort it all out.I could not have done the things they have just, naturally done ..I am sooo proud of them both and glad their my sisters...cause without them both ,this would have been the hardest 2 weeks of my entire life...
The death of someone close is always going to be hard but to have my sisters their and all our Family's helped us all a lot..
It is a large shock like this that makes you reassess you're own life ...And take note of those around you that truly care.....
So if you have read my thoughts today...Shut the computer off and go to you're husband /kids/family and hug them for every minute not with them is a waist of an opportunity......
till i find the energy to write again...............


Sarah Lou said...

love you Cin. beautiful post.

Daphadills said...

sob sob...lovely